Multicultural and Worldview Day

On Friday 18th October, we held our first Multicultural and Worldview Day for this academic year. The school hall was transformed and decorated with flags and colourful bunting. Our Delta children came to school either wearing traditional clothes from their religion or culture or the colours of the flag.
We started the day by having a guest speaker, Pasteur Stewart from Bush Hill Park Community Church, who presented an assembly on the meaning of giving thanks and harvest time for Christians. Then our Site Manager, Daljeet showed and played the Dohl, an Indian drum used at various celebrations in India and in England. Throughout the day, each class participated in various RE and British Values lessons, which showcased different religions and world-views alongside the children understanding what life is like in multicultural Britain. Finally, each class also participated in Bollywood dance workshop.
It was a memorable day that was enjoyed by everyone. Thank you to everyone who also bought in £1.00 donation, which will be used to buy more books for the school.