Goodbye Year 6 Carver

It is also a sad time of year as we say a fond farewell to our Year 6 children as they prepare to move to secondary school. We could not be more proud of this cohort of children and the way that they have approached their studies in Year 6, particularly back in May when they took their SATs papers. The children approached SATs week with maturity and resilience and they did their absolute best. Since then, they have enjoyed a trip to London, shared their memories at their Year 6 assembly and enjoyed a party to celebrate their time at Delta. On behalf of everyone at Delta we would like to wish all of our Year 6 children every success as they embark on the next stage of their educational journey.
Towards the end of the day, the whole school created a tunnel and applauded the Year 6 children as they walked past. They then read out their poem about leaving Delta and continuing to follow their dreams and remaining responsible, resilient and kind citizens and finally released their balloons into the air!