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Curriculum Intent Statement

At Delta, we strive to empower children to be active global citizens who are able to take control of positive decision-making in their own lives, and support those around them. We believe that providing our children with opportunities to unlock and retain powerful knowledge is key to preparing them for the next stages in their education. The wide range of carefully considered knowledge, skills and experiences we want children at Delta to receive, practise and embed will allow them to discover more about their talents and passions. Educational research underpins our approach to curriculum and school improvement and our outward-looking focus supports the school to drive improvements in both the substance of education and the quality of teaching and learning across all subjects.

We strive to provide a high quality curriculum which ensures equality of opportunity and equity of provision for all children and we see Reading as essential to this aim: through an ambitious reading curriculum, we develop a love of reading which immerses children in language and enables them to develop a rich vocabulary. 57% of our children do not have English as a first language and so our primary focus is on language acquisition and communication. Our aim is that all children are able to express themselves and their ideas and that each and every child has the opportunity to access knowledge and ideas from the best that has been thought and said.

Delta is a wonderfully diverse school with 97% of our children coming from minority ethnic backgrounds. We celebrate and value that diversity through the curriculum with our topic choices in foundation subjects and choice of texts for reading and writing, as well as giving children the opportunity to learn first-hand about a wide range of religions, cultures, traditions and languages to develop their cultural capital.

The school has high levels of mobility across and within year groups. We have carefully designed our curriculum to allow for this by ensuring the curriculum is well sequenced, progressive and revisits and consolidates knowledge. We aim to raise all children’s aspirations and broaden their horizons through a curriculum which is exciting and challenging and which enthuses children with a love of learning. By teaching discrete subjects, we aim to secure children’s disciplinary knowledge and language so that they can think and learn ‘as scientists’, ‘as historians’, ‘as geographers’ etc.

We aim to develop the whole child through an approach to personal development and wellbeing which is woven through the curriculum. We aim to encourage our Delta learners to have the resilience to overcome setbacks, to be curious about what the world has to offer them, to know they are capable of greatness and to aspire to live that out: children whose kindness and respectful approach benefits themselves and their peers and changes the world around them for the better.

Here is our Delta Curriculum Overview, where you will be able to see the different subjects that are taught across the whole academic year.