Year 5/6 Jemison Class Assembly

This afternoon, Year 5/6 Jemison Class performed their class assembly for their parents. Their assembly focused on all the work they have been doing over the past few weeks linked to Black History Month. The children have been studying the diverse text 'The Undefeated' by Kwame Alexander and Kadir Nelson and recited the story. The children also showcased significant people, such as Phillis Wheatley, Walter Tull, Claudette Colvin, LeBron James and, of course - Mae Jemison, which is their class name.
The children also showcased their digital art work based on Derrick O. Boateng and put the assembly PowerPoint together. The class also arranged the stage production making sure all the props were ready for different parts of the assembly.
The assembly was enjoyed by all and thank you to all our parents and families who came to watch and show their support.